Training & Public Speaking

Theresa frequently provides training and workshops to parents, health professionals and educators around the globe, both in-person and via online webinars. In addition, she has presented her research at numerous national and international conferences. Theresa’s training and workshops are based on her own psychological training, research, clinical practice and most importantly, her lived experience of supporting autistic family members. If you would like Theresa to present at your organisation or event please contact

Topics that Theresa can present on:

  • Understanding Anxiety in Autism and Practical Strategies to Manage it

  • Supporting Young People with Pathological Demand Avoidance (PDA)

  • Engaging Autistic/ PDA Children and Adolescents in the Therapy Room

  • Engaging Young People with a Pathological Demand Avoidant Profile at School

  • Home Educating your Autistic (and/ or PDA) Child

  • Successful Transition from School to Adulthood

  • Parenting your PDA Child

Conference & Presentation History


Curtin Specialist Mentoring Program Mentor Training day (Curtin University) Autism and Anxiety

School of Special Needs Disability (Department of Education) Advanced Skills in Managing Anxiety in Autism

Public Training Event (Dr Theresa Kidd Psychology) Supporting Young People with a Pathological Demand Avoidance


Child Development Service Hidden Girls and the Autism Spectrum

School of Special Needs Disability (Department of Education) Successful Transition from High School to Adulthood

Autism West Symposium Supporting Young People with Pathological Demand Avoidance (PDA) at School

Meet the Bosses (Curtin University) Sharing professional knowledge and experiences with undergraduate psychology students.

Public Training Event (Dr Theresa Kidd Psychology) Understanding Anxiety in Autism and Practical Strategies to Manage it (Perth and Margaret River)

Public Training Event (Dr Theresa Kidd Psychology) Advanced Skills in Anxiety and Autism


Autism Initiative Malaysia 1st Symposium “Transitioning to Further Education and Employment”

Curtin University Engaging Students on the Autism Spectrum in University Settings: An Evidence-Based Peer-Mentoring Program at Curtin University.

Autism West Symposium Chilled Out: Understanding anxiety in adolescents on the autism spectrum
and practical, family-based strategies to manage it


International Meeting for Autism Research (IMFAR) Baltimore, Maryland (USA) How Adolescents with Autism and Their Parents Perceived the Chilled Program: A Treatment Acceptability Framework for Autism Researchers


Asia Pacific Regional IMFAR2015: Shanghai. The International Society for Autism Research. Engaging Families in the Treatment of Anxiety for their Adolescent with Autism: Contributing Factors to Positive Outcomes Based on the Chilled Program Research.

Asia Pacific Autism Conference (APAC15) The Chilled Program: Reducing Anxiety In adolescents with Autism and increasing quality of life for families; and, Curtin University Specialist Peer Mentoring Program (CSMP): Pilot Programs, Evaluations & Future Directions.

Association of Counselling Psychologists (Western Australia) (Oral Presentation). Working therapeutically with adolescents and adults with autism.


Australian Association for Cognitive and Behaviour Therapy (AACBT) 37th National Conference. The Chilled Program: Assessing the efficacy and social validity of a manualised, family-based group Cognitive Behavioural Therapy for adolescents with high-functioning autism and comorbid anxiety disorder.

Pathways 12 National Conference. Curtin Specialist Mentoring Program (CSMP) for tertiary students on the autism spectrum.

ANZSSA & ISANA Duty of Care Conference. Curtin Specialist Mentoring Program (CSMP) for tertiary students on the autism spectrum.

Mark Liveris Research Student Seminar

The Chilled Program: Reducing anxiety in adolescents with high functioning autism.

Western Australian Autism Diagnostic Forum Inc (WAADF) Professional Development The Curtin Specialist Mentoring Program.


Working in the West (Disability Employment Conference)
Keynote Speaker
: Welcome to Holland
Workshop Presenter: Maintaining successful employment outcomes for adults with autism.

Asia Pacific Autism Conference, Perth Coming Home: Mother’s experiences of home educating their child with autism.


Asia Pacific Autism Conference, Sydney. Exploring the Experiences of Mothers Home Educating their Children with Autism Spectrum Disorder


Enhancing Family Functioning: From Research to Practice Attachment Theory: Putting it into Practice.